Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale – Child (SCAS-Child)

Dr Ben Buchanan

The Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale – Child is a 45-item self-report scale used to assess severity of anxiety symptoms in children aged 8-15 years. The SCAS-Child assesses six domains of anxiety which constitute six subscales:

  • Separation Anxiety
  • Social Phobia
  • Obsessive Compulsive Problems
  • Panic/Agoraphobia
  • Generalised Anxiety/Overanxious Symptoms
  • Fears of Physical Injury


Spence, S.H. (1997). Structure of anxiety symptoms among children: A confirmatory factor-analytic study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 106(2), 280-297.


Spence, S.H. (1998). A measure of anxiety symptoms among children. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36 (5), 545-566.

Spence, S.H., Barrett, P.M., & Turner, C.M. (2003). Psychometric properties of the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale with young adolescents. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 17(6), 605-625.

Spence, S.H. (n.d.). Normative sample. Accessed from: https://www.scaswebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/normativesample.pdf


Vancouver Obsessional Compulsive Inventory (VOCI)

Dr Ben Buchanan

The VOCI was designed to provide a self-report assessment of a range of obsessions, compulsions, avoidance behaviour, and personality characteristics of known or theoretical importance in obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD).


Thordarson, D.S., Radomsky, A.S., Rachman, S., Shafran, R., Sawchuk, C.N., Hakstian, A.R. (2004). The Vancouver Obsessional Compulsive Inventory (VOCI). Behaviour Research & Therapy, 42(11), 1289-131

Client Satisfaction Survey (CSS)

Dr Ben Buchanan

This survey measures the level of satisfaction a client has with a mental health service, both satisfaction with their practitioner and their experience in general.


Buchanan, B., & Hegarty, D., (2023). The Client Satisfaction Scale. Measuring Patient’s Experiences in Private Psychology Practices. https://novopsych.com.au/client_satisfaction_survey_measuring_patients_experiences_in_private_psychology_practices/

Dissociative Experiences Scale – II (DES-II)

Dr Ben Buchanan

The DES-II is a 28-item, self-report measure of dissociative experiences. Dissociation is often considered a psychological defense mechanism for victims of traumatizing events, and the scale is of particular use in measuring dissociation among people with PTSD, dissociative disorders, borderline personality disorder and those with a history of abuse.


Carlson, E.B. & Putnam, F.W. (1993). An update on the Dissociative Experience Scale. Dissociation 6(1), p. 16-27.


Van IJzendoorn, M. H., & Schuengel, C. (1996). The measurement of dissociation in normal and clinical populations: Meta-analytic validation of the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES). Clinical Psychology Review, 16(5), 365-382.

Lyssenko, L., Schmahl, C., Bockhacker, L., Vonderlin, R., Bohus, M., & Kleindienst, N. (2018). Dissociation in psychiatric disorders: a meta-analysis of studies using the dissociative experiences scale. American Journal of Psychiatry, 175(1), 37-46.

Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE)

Dr Ben Buchanan

The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) is a brief 12-item scale asking respondents to rate how often they experience various states. For example, the measure asks about physical pleasure, engagement, interest, pain, boredom etc.


Diener, E., Wirtz, D., Tov, W., Kim-Prieto, C., Choi. D., Oishi, S., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2009). New measures of well-being: Flourishing and positive and negative feelings. Social Indicators Research, 39, 247-266 Please visit: http://internal.psychology.illinois.edu/~ediener/SPANE.html

Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS)

Dr Ben Buchanan

The SWLS is a short 5-item instrument designed to measure global cognitive judgments of satisfaction with one’s life. The scale usually requires only about one minute of a respondent’s time, where respondents answer on a Likert scale.


Diener, E., Emmons, R. A., Larsen, R. J., & Griffin, S. (1985). The Satisfaction with Life Scale.Journal of Personality Assessment, 49, 71-75. http://internal.psychology.illinois.edu/~ediener/SWLS.html


Pavot, W. G., Diener, E., Colvin, C. R., & Sandvik, E. (1991). Further validation of the Satisfaction with Life Scale: Evidence for the cross-method convergence of well-being measures. Journal of Personality Assessment, 57, 149-161.

Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale – Parent (RCADS-Parent)

Dr Ben Buchanan

The Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale – Parent Version (RCADS-Parent) is a 47 item parent-reported questionnaire that measures symptoms of depression and anxiety in children and adolescents aged 8 – 18.


Chorpita, B.F. & Spence, S.H. (1998).

Chorpita, B. F., Yim, L., Moffitt, C., Umemoto, L. A., & Francis, S. E. (2000). Assessment of symptoms of DSM-IV anxiety and depression in children: A revised child anxiety and depression scale. Behaviour research and therapy, 38(8), 835-855.


Ebesutani, C., Chorpita, B. F., Higa-McMillan, C. K., Nakamura, B. J., Regan, J., & Lynch, R. E. (2011). A psychometric analysis of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scales–parent version in a school sample. Journal of abnormal child psychology39(2), 173–185. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-010-9460-8

Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale – Child (RCADS-Child)

Dr Ben Buchanan

The Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS-Child) is a 47 item self-report questionnaire that measures symptoms of depression and anxiety in children and adolescents aged 8 – 18.



Bruce F. Chorpita and Susan H. Spence.

Chorpita, B. F., Yim, L., Moffitt, C., Umemoto, L. A., & Francis, S. E. (2000). Assessment of symptoms of DSM-IV anxiety and depression in children: A revised child anxiety and depression scale. Behaviour research and therapy, 38(8), 835-855.


Chorpita, B. F., Yim, L., Moffitt, C., Umemoto, L. A., & Francis, S. E. (2000). Assessment of symptoms of DSM-IV anxiety and depression in children: A revised child anxiety and depression scale. Behaviour research and therapy, 38(8), 835-855.

de Ross, R. L., Gullone, E., & Chorpita, B. F. (2002). The Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale: A Psychometric. Behaviour Change, 19, 2.

Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)

Dr Ben Buchanan

The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) is a 50 item self-report measure used to assess traits of autism in adults and adolescents aged 16 years and over. The measure is suitable for men and women who have normal intellectual functioning. 



Baron-Cohen, S., Wheelwright, S., Skinner, R., Martin, J., & Clubley, E. (2001). The autism-spectrum quotient (AQ): Evidence from asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism, males and females, scientists and mathematicians. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 31(1), 5-17.


Baron-Cohen, S., Wheelwright, S., Skinner, R., Martin, J., & Clubley, E. (2001). The autism-spectrum quotient (AQ): Evidence from asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism, males and females, scientists and mathematicians. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 31(1), 5-17.

Broadbent, J., Galic, I., & Stokes, M. A. (2013). Validation of autism spectrum quotient adult version in an Australian sample. Autism research and treatment, 2013.

Article introducing the Autism Spectrum Quotient to NovoPsych, Nov 2020

The Professional Quality of Life Scale – 5 (ProQOL)

Dr Ben Buchanan

The Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL) is a 30 item self-report questionnaire designed to measure compassion fatigue, work satisfaction and burnout in helping professionals. Helping professionals are defined broadly, from those in health care settings, such as psychologists, nurses and doctors, to social service workers, teachers, police officers, firefighters or other first responders. It is useful for workers who perform emotional labour as well as professionals who are exposed to traumatic situations.


B. Hudnall Stamm, 2009-2012. Professional Quality of Life: Compassion Satisfaction and Fatigue Version 5 (ProQOL). www.proqol.org.


Stamm, B.H. (2010). The Concise ProQOL Manual, 2nd Ed. Pocatello, ID:

Hegarty, D. & Buchanan, B. ( 2021, November 29). Psychologist Norms for the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL). https://novopsych.com.au/news/psychologist-norms-for-the-professional-quality-of-life-scale-proqol/

Is NovoPsych available in North America?

Is NovoPsych available in North America?

We have partnered with BetterWorld Healthcare in the American market and they offer the NovoPsych platform under the brand name, BetterMind.

Click here to visit their site.  

Predictors of Career Satisfaction Among Psychologists

Are mental health clinicians satisfied with their careers?  I’ve been seeking to understand factors that relate to high levels of career satisfaction. Of course burnout is a major consideration, and NovoPsych has self assessment tools for burnout and compassion fatigue. But broadly the good news is that practicing psychologists, as a whole, are very satisfied with our careers (Rupert et al., 2012)!  According to the data here are the top empirical predictors of career satisfaction among psychologists.

  • Control and sense of autonomy around treatment decisions
  • Work-life balance
  • Administrative ease (not having to worry about paperwork or client payments)
  • The opportunity to discuss work frustrations with family or a confidant
  • The career-sustaining behaviour of reflecting on satisfying work outcomes

NovoPsych’s mission is to help mental health services use psychometric science to improve client outcomes. So let’s take a moment to use some science to reflect on the how satisfying it can be to have good outcomes!

Psychologists make a real difference in people’s lives!

  • You probably helped 80% of the people who sought your assistance. In most studies of psychological treatment the average treated person is better off than 80% of those who did not receive treatment!
  • Psychological therapy is a powerful treatment for mental disorders (Cohen’s d = 0.8: Wampold, 2002). In fact, it is as effective as pharmacological treatments for COVID-19 (Cohen’s d = 0.83: Lee, 2020).
  • Psychological interventions are 32 times more cost effective than money at making us happy (Boyce & Wood, 2010). Money doesn’t buy happiness, but therapy might!

And to further reflect on the meaningful impact you’ve had with your clients, just check out the below graph. It shows the typical depression score changes for people in psychological treatment versus no treatment (Dobkin et al., 2011). As you can see, people that didn’t receive psychological therapy remain depressed, even at 6 months follow-up, while people in the therapy group received a great deal of benefit from treatment, to the extent that by the end of treatment they were below the clinical cut-off for depression!

My sense is that we don’t often reflect on the treatment successes at work, probably because when a client succeeds they often end therapy and we don’t hear from them again. We tend to ruminate on the difficult cases, the tricky presentations where we feel stuck. But, just for a moment, I’d like to invite you to think about a specific client who’s had a good outcome.
  • What were the moments when you realised that they’d recovered?
  • What did you do that contributed to their improvement?

So finally, I hope that you’ll find time to routinely reflect on the positive change that your work inspires. In 2021 I hope the team at NovoPsych can help you do that (you can email me about program evaluation). After all, reflecting on positive outcomes is associated with sustainable work satisfaction!

Dr Ben Buchanan
BA (Hons), GradDipPsych, DPsych, MAPS
Co-founder & Director of NovoPsych Pty Ltd
[email protected]

Burnout among psychologists: The Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL)

I’ve heard from a lot of mental health professionals about times that they’ve been close to burnout, and I want to take the time to share with you how to measure your own professional wellbeing. You’re probably used to administering questionnaires to clients, and I reckon it’s also a good idea to check in on yourself occasionally. The Professional Quality of Life Scale is a new addition to NovoPsych and ideal as a self evaluation tool.

Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL)

Used with: Anyone in a helping profession (psychologist, nurse, teacher, first responders, social services workers)
Measures: Compassion Fatigue, Work satisfaction, Burnout and Secondary Trauma
Helpful for: Checking in on yourself a few times a year to see how the stress of work is impacting you.

As a concept, “professional quality of life” are the feelings one has in relation to one’s work as a helper. Both the positive and negative aspects of doing one’s job influences work satisfaction.  The ProQOL has three sub-scales: 

  • Compassion Satisfaction (pleasure you derive from being able to do your work well)
  • Burnout (exhaustion, frustration, anger and depression related to work)
  • Secondary Traumatic Stress (feeling fear in relation to work‐related primary or secondary trauma) 

So I’d like to invite you to take a moment to reflect on how you’re doing professionally, by:
1. Logging in to NovoPsych here
2. Creating a client under your own name
3. Administer the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL) to yourself
4. Take a moment to reflect on your results. Consider what aspects of your work are causing you stress. Are there support structures that you can enlist? Have you been keeping up with your self-care routines? Do you need a break?

One thing I’ve setup for myself is to schedule NovoPsych to send me an email every month so that I can check in on my professional well-being as well as other aspects of personal wellbeing (DASS-21 and Valuing Questionnaire). I’d encourage you to do that same. 

The ProQOL is particularly useful for professionals to self-monitor their satisfaction and as a prompt for self-care. In addition service managers seeking to facilitate staff wellbeing can use the ProQOL to track professional quality of life over time to help inform workload, leave and support decisions.

As mental health professionals we’re often systematically tracking the wellbeing of our clients, but I hope you’ll invest time in looking after yourself too. Because your wellbeing is worth the time. 

Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)

Here at NovoPsych we’ve just added a new assessment to the test library to assist in the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  While the prevalence of ASD is only 0.7% in the community, among patients presenting for mental health services the prevalence is 10 times that (7.8%, Fraser et al, 2011). This statistic shows how important it is to consider Autism in general mental health settings. We hope the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) and NovoPsych’s advanced metrics helps with screening and diagnosis.

Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)

The AQ is designed for adults and adolescents aged 16 years and over with normal intellectual functioning to screen for Autism Spectrum Disorder (Ehlers et al, 1999). The AQ is intended to make up a component of a thorough diagnostic assessment.  It measures five symptom clusters important in understanding the profile of strengths and weaknesses for individuals with Autism:
– social skill deficits 
– attention switching problems
– attention to detail
– communication difficulties
– imagination deficits

Here is an example of the 50 self-report questions
When administered through NovoPsych, scores will be automatically calculated and graphed, including enhanced metrics. Data for gender related norms are provided as a percentile rank, with a diagnostic cut-off score included (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001).

The sample results below shows a respondent’s percentiles compared to people who have been diagnosed with ASD. This individual’s Total AQ percentile score is about 50, indicating that their scores are typical of someone with ASD. Higher scores on each sub-scale indicate more neurodivergence.  For example, compared to others with ASD, these scores show few problems in Imagination (a percentile of 5 means they have less problems with imagination than 95% of people with ASD.)  On the other hand, scores show a percentile of 90 on Attention to Details, indicating significant neurodivergence in that area.

 We hope you find the AQ useful with your adult clients. If you’re seeking to do an initial ASD screener with children, NovoPsych also includes the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ), which can be used with children as young as 6.

To start using the AQ, we’d recommend practicing by logging into your NovoPsych account and administering the assessment to a dummy client.  


Baron-Cohen, S., Wheelwright, S., Skinner, R., Martin, J., & Clubley, E. (2001). The autism-spectrum quotient (AQ): Evidence from asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism, males and females, scientists and mathematicians. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 31(1), 5-17.

Ehlers, S., Gillberg, C., & Wing, L. (1999). A screening questionnaire for Asperger syndrome and other high-functioning autism spectrum disorders in school age children. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 29(2), 129-141.

Fraser, R., Angus, B., Cotton, S., Gentle, E., Allott, K., & Thompson, A. (2011). Prevalence of autism spectrum conditions in a youth mental health service. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry45(5), 426-426.

K10 Percentiles, Depression and Anxiety Subscales (Kessler Psychological Distress Scale)

Everyone knows the K10 (Kessler Psychological Distress Scale). It’s routinely used by GPs referring to psychologists, but frankly, it is one of the bluntest instruments around. Measuring the broad concept of “psychological distress” doesn’t give much insight into someone’s mental state.

Thankfully, through the power of statistical analysis, NovoPsych has just made the K10 far more useful! 

Instead of giving one number that is supposed to represent someone’s mental state, when administered via NovoPsych the K10 transforms into a scale that measures both Depression and Anxiety independently. In fact, the metrics go further than that, with the graph below showing that the main Depression and Anxiety factors are made up of four sub-components. To see the items that make up each K10 subscale visit here.

 The above graph is computed by the NovoPsych platform from a standard K10 assessment, and clearly indicates that this individual is experiencing a great deal of Anxiety, with more moderate levels of Depression. The Y axis is from 0 to 100, and represents the percentile rank compared to other individuals seeking psychological intervention. For example, a percentile of 50 would represent the typical score for someone seeing a psychologist. Any scores above the dotted line at the 19th percentile indicate scores in the “clinical range”, while those below indicate no or minimal distress.

Of course one of the benefits of administering a scale like the K10 is that you can see changes in symptoms over time. For example, the below graph shows symptoms from the start to the end of treatment for a hypothetical client. 

Note that on the 14th July the “total” score is actually quite low, almost below the dotted line, yet the depression score is high.  Scored using the traditional “total score” method, we might think this person is doing fine.  This underlines the utility of unpacking the K10 and looking more closely at the Depression and Anxiety factors separately. Thankfully, by the 3rd administration (12th Sep) this individual’s symptoms had reduced to the extent they were below the dotted line on both symptom clusters. Treatment success!

If you’d like more information about the research and development process that allowed us to break the K10 into two district symptom clusters, see here.

We hope this makes the K10 more useful for you!  I’d recommend logging into NovoPsych here and having a few trial runs. We’ve also got the K10+ which is required by some organisations.

Before I go, a lot of NovoPsych users have requested the feature to re-date assessments. This might be useful in case you receive a referral from a GP with a K10 attached, and you want to enter the GP’s K10 into NovoPsych to keep the record and get NovoPsych’s useful metrics and graphs. I wanted to let you know that we’re working on it and will release that feature (and others) soon. 


How NovoPsych helps gather useful feedback – Reimagining Healthcare Podcast

In this podcast episode we discuss why outcome measurements should focus on Australian requirements, and how the recent and sudden transformation towards telehealth can be easily adapted to using NovoPsych. Ben provides some guidance on what a telehealth workflow could look like, and how to implement automation with remote symptom monitoring of patients between visits or after treatment.

Listen to the podcast here: Reimagining Healthcare

 Key takeaways:

  1. In Australia, one of the most widely used assessments to measure mental health outcomes is called the K10 — also known as the ‘Kessler Psychological Distress Scale’. Australia regulations of mental health practitioners require some outcome monitoring to occur. NovoPsych has been tailored to fit the exact purpose that Australian mental health conditions need.
  2. Healthcare is a service industry, in which it’s just as important to provide a service that the client is happy with as it is to improve clinical outcomes.
  3. One of the number one predictors of treatment success for mental health patients is the ‘therapeutic alliance’, i.e. the relationship between the psychologist and the client. If the client trusts the psychologist then that is a serious predictor of later outcomes.
  4. Practitioners often have to rely on their intuition to get a sense about whether the client is benefitting from the treatment. However, the research evidence shows that trained professionals are terrible at using intuition to accurately measure how their clients are going.
  5. Within NovoPsych there are therapeutic alliance measures that can tell the psychologist from the get-go whether they’re reaching their client or not, so adjustments can be made in the early stages of treatment.
Dr Ben Buchanan is a psychologist and Co-founder & Director of NovoPsych, an Australian healthtech company providing software for administering psychological, remote and online questionnaires to patients. As a trained clinical psychologist, Ben is passionate about clinicians evaluating their own practice through the use of routine outcome monitoring, which is why he created NovoPsych.

Graph Symptoms Over Time.

With NovoPsych you can graph results over time so you can visually monitor symptoms changing from session to session. All you need to do is administer the same assessment to a client more than once, and you’ll get a nice graph!

The most popular scales for outcome monitoring on NovoPsych are the DASS-21, K10, or CORE-10. I’d recommend having a look at all three and then choosing which one will suit you best, then be consistent with it. Personally, I administer the DASS-21 in session 1, 3, 6, and then every second session thereafter.

Dass-21 graph
Above is an example of what the graphs look like for the DASS-21, with the results showing reduced symptoms over time. On the Y axis is the percentile rank derived from a community normative sample, indicating how this individual scored in comparison to the general population. The graph shows a stress score on the 99th percentile on the first administration of the test, with depression and anxiety being in the subclinical range (below the 90th percentile).  The 50th percentile indicates that this person experienced symptoms no more or less than the average person in the community, while percentile scores above 90 indicate clinically significant symptoms. Overall the graph shows symptoms reduced significantly over time!

Many NovoPsych users take a screenshot of the graph and then include it in their letters to a referring GP.
Screen Shot 2020-06-02 at 11.29.43 am

Doctors appreciate receiving letters with graphs, because they can clearly see how the patient is tracking. Clients love it too, because graphing symptoms over time gives clients an objective representation of their distress and provides personalised evidence of the benefits of treatment. Moreover, research shows that regular use of outcome measures may increase engagement and improve the therapeutic relationship, thereby increasing the efficacy of treatment. 

I hope find this information helpful!

Dr Ben Buchanan

BA (Hons), GradDipPsych, DPsych, MAPS
Co-founder & Director of NovoPsych Pty Ltd
[email protected]

Feedback Informed Treatment

Why Measure Therapeutic Alliance?

As psychologists we often get in the same routine for years once we figure out what’s working for us. This post will hopefully help you find a new way of figuring out what is actually working for clients! Introducing the Agnew Relationship Measure- 5 (ARM-5), which is included in all NovoPsych subscriptions.

Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) 

The ARM-5 is based on the concept of Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT), which involves routinely and most importantly formally seeking feedback from clients about the process of therapy and the working relationship with the therapist. Most NovoPsych users routinely measure outcomes (symptoms or psychological wellbeing), but a real opportunity lies in measuring therapeutic alliance. After all, therapeutic alliance is among the best predictors of outcomes.

I’m aware there is a diversity of views about FIT; some people swear by it and others have theoretical objections to measuring therapeutic alliance. I’m not here to evangelise, but feel that the ARM-5 can be a helpful tool for a therapist’s toolbox. I’d be interested to get your feedback on FIT, either way.

ARM-5 Quick Guide

Measures: Therapeutic bond, sense of partnership, and confidence in the therapy.

Helpful for: Gaining feedback from clients about how sessions are going.

Comparable measures: The ARM-5 is similar to the Session Rating Scale (SRS), but with better psychometric properties. For this reason it is recommended over the SRS.

Agnew Relationship Measure – 5



The ARM-5 is designed to be used close to the end of a therapy session at regular intervals (either every session, 2nd session or every 3rd session). Given that therapeutic alliance is among the best predictors of treatment success, this tool can help clinicians identify risk of dropout as well as track any ruptures/repairs in the alliance. During a course of CBT, the ARM-5 has been shown to be equivalent to other scales such as the Session Rating Scale (SRS) in terms of predicting client outcomes (Bouchard, 2018).

The ARM-5 assesses three dimensions of the alliance known to be important for treatment efficacy

1.   Bond

2.   Partnership

3.   Confidence in therapy

Results and Interpretation 

Below is a graph of the therapeutic alliance from session to session. You can see a rupture clearly in the fourth session, followed by a recovery. We can also see that the client isn’t feeling a strong sense of partnership with the therapist. That’s helpful to know!


Each time the ARM-5 is administered NovoPsych will compute and graph scores automatically. Scores are presented as “mean scores”, indicating the average responses (from 1 to 7). In addition, a percentile rank is presented using the mean and standard deviation from the Cahil et al. (2011) sample, indicating the level of alliance compared to a normative sample. 

Three Components of Therapeutic Alliance

Bond (item 1) is the measure that encompasses the classic dimensions of client-therapist bond and feelings of therapist supportiveness. 

Partnership (items 2 and 3) measures agreement on tasks, and agreement on goals. 

Confidence (items 4 and 5) measures the client’s confidence in the treatment approach, as well as the perceived confidence the therapist has in their own techniques. Confidence has been identified as the strongest predictor of positive outcome, reflecting the therapist’s and client’s joint sense of progress and investment.

If you’d like to get feedback from clients but the prospect of administering the ARM-5 in session feels a bit awkward, then I’d suggest administering the Client Satisfaction Survey, a 10 item survey asking about a client’s experience of the counselling service more generally. Many psychology practices administer the Client Satisfaction Survey post discharge (or at dropout), which they find very valuable for improving their service.

I hope you find this information helpful!


Jane Cahill , William B. Stiles , Michael Barkham , Gillian E. Hardy , Gregory Stone , Roxane Agnew-Davies & Gisela Unsworth (2012) Two short forms of the Agnew Relationship Measure: The ARM-5 and ARM-12, Psychotherapy Research, 22:3, 241-255, DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2011.643253

Practice-Based Evidence

Using DASS-21 Data for
Practice-Based Evidence

Some of the most positive feedback I hear from NovoPsych users is the function that graphs results over time so you can visually monitor your client’s symptoms changing from session to session. This is a valuable tool to build insight about individual clients, but wouldn’t it be great to see how your entire client cohort is doing?

The good news is that you can. Let me show you how one NovoPsych user had used DASS-21 data.

Dr Nathan Castle consistently used NovoPsych to administer the DASS-21 almost every session. Then, after a year of data collection, he exported the data and crunched the numbers. As the data below shows, there was a clear difference between DASS-21 scores in the first session compared to discharge. And the more sessions someone attended, the more they benefited.

So that’s excellent, Dr Castle’s clients are improving, but they might be improving by chance, right? How do we know that the benefit was actually statistically significant? Well there is a way to determine that, its called the reliable change index, and this is what it showed:

Psychological therapy effectivness

This is great news, 67% of clients are seeing reliable improvement! And for the real stats nerds among us, let’s take a look at Dr Nathan Castle’s effect size (Cohen’s D)


This statistical information shows Nathan is a highly effective therapist. Of course, the key to learning how to improve any skill is feedback. NovoPsych helps clinicians get this feedback, either by symptom scales like the DASS-21 or therapeutic alliance scales like the ARM-5.

So where to from here? Well firstly I’d like to get your feedbackWould you be interested in having automated tools built into NovoPsych to give you a view on how your clients are doing as a group? At the moment, completing this analysis requires data to be exported from NovoPsych, but we would love to make the process simpler for you, if there is significant interest. 

Currently NovoPsych users have the option of doing the above analysis via a more manual method. The process involves exporting data from NovoPsych (currently a $110 fee) into your favourite statistics package. If you’re not statistically inclined you can contact Dr Nathan Castle who has offered his consulting services to NovoPsych users.

Feedback informed supervision

I hope you’ve found the above analysis of NovoPsych data helpful, or even inspiring. I can’t help but think the future for mental health interventions is not just evidence-based practice, but also practice-based evidence.

Take care,

Dr Ben Buchanan

Co-Founder and Director of NovoPsych.

The future of outcome monitoring among Australian Psychologists

The highly successful program for Medicare subsided sessions with psychologists has had two major shortcomings:

1.     –  The fact the 10 sessions is not enough for many patients

2.     –  The limited evaluation of the effectiveness of these MBS services. 

I’d like to take the time to share my thoughts on the future of Medicare psychology services in Australia, in light of the Productivity Commission’s recommendations.

If mandatory outcome monitoring is to be introduced, as the draft report suggests, I’d propose that psychologists be invited to participate in a program evaluation process that requires collection of outcome data and those who enrol be allowed to provide 20 sessions per calendar. The strategy of linking funding for extra sessions with participation in evaluation has a number of advantages, including creating an incentive for private psychologists to opt into participating in the initial rollout of outcome monitoring while at the same time evaluating the effectiveness of the increased session numbers.

Under the current Better Access model GPs undertake rudimentary and disconnected outcome monitoring, generally by administering a paper copy of the K-10 questionnaire measuring psychological distress. The current process has some serious shortcomings, including that the K-10 data is not systematically transmitted to a central body for evaluation. In addition, outcome monitoring is best done by the treating clinician (e.g. the psychologist) as an intrinsic part of the therapeutic process rather than by a referring party (the GP).

In fact, it is good practice in psychological therapy to administer symptom monitoring scales each session to provide psychologist and client with immediate and objective feedback about their symptoms. A recent paper in Lancet (Delgadillo et al., 2018) found that psychological therapy with continuous symptom monitoring increases the effectiveness of treatment compared to psychological therapy without outcome monitoring and immediate feedback.   

Given the evidence that outcome monitoring within therapy improves outcomes many psychologists are already integrating outcome monitoring into their practice. NovoPsych facilitates this through our software for more than 3000 psychologists.

We suggest that the administration of outcome measures for the proposed trial of 20 sessions of MBS funded psychological therapy be collected by psychologists (rather than the GP). MBS items could be structured such that a requirement be that an outcome measurement tool be administered every psychology session and that the data be digitally transmitted to a central point.

We would suggest the outcome measurement tool be either the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) or Kessler 10 (K10) given their current wide use and ease of administration. If you’d like our detailed project design please contact Dr Ben Buchanan (details above).

Draft Recommendation 22.5 – Building a Strong Evaluation Culture 
A robust culture of program evaluation should inform the allocation of public funds across the mental health system to ensure that they are deployed most efficiently and effectively.

We note that some professions within the mental health workforce have critical training and expertise in program evaluation and outcome measurement, and there is a grass roots effort, particularly among psychologists, to engage in outcome monitoring through the collection of data. Psychology practices that provide sessions subsidised by Medicare could benefit from policy settings that support evaluation culture.   

Draft Recommendation 25.3 – Strategies to Fill Data Gaps
 Collect the data in a way that imposes the least regulatory burden to ensure data is high-quality and fit-for-purpose– publish the data in ways that are useful to policy makers, service providers and consumers.

It is our experience that practitioners and service providers can be reluctant to collect data given the administrative burden. This is especially true in private practice settings.  For example, a survey of Australian Psychologists found the two reasons most often cited for not collecting outcome data was 1) “Takes too long to administer and score” and 2) “Too much of a burden for clients” (Chung & Buchanan 2018).

We’d therefore recommend that the use of outcome monitoring be incentivised by funding models. For example, allowing private psychologists who routinely collect and report outcome data to provide 20 Medicare rebated sessions per year rather than the current 10.

Draft Finding 25.1 Monitoring and Reporting at the Service Provider Level
Monitoring and reporting at the provider level can improve transparency and accountability, and potentially service quality, through: · publishing data that informs consumer choice and drives self-improvement · benchmarking analyses, where services are able to regularly compare their performance relative to similar services, that prompt discussions and information sharing.

As many NovoPsych users know, increasing number of private psychology practices are engaging in monitoring outcomes. These practices are using outcome data to tender for contracts, provide feedback for professional development and service improvement, and occasionally publishing their results publicly and provided to consumers via a service’s website. These are positive developments that have occurred in the absence of policy incentives. In the future this can be further encouraged by linking extra levels of Medicare funding with the requirement for routine outcome monitoring.  For example, increasing the limit of 10 psychology sessions to 20 per year, provided that the service provider uses an approved outcome monitoring and reporting framework.

Benchmarking treatment outcomes via routine outcome monitoring is an extremely valuable process. It can help service providers identify their strengths and weaknesses compared to their peers and modify practices when necessary. Understandably, comparing treatment outcomes through benchmarking can be anxiety producing for providers who may feel their competency is being scrutinized. 

I’d therefore suggest that any attempt to widely implement benchmarking for Medicare-subsidised psychology services delivered in a private setting be lead from within the profession, with an emphasis on self-directed quality improvement.  Education and training for clinicians on outcome monitoring and benchmarking practices is key and care should be taken to empower professionals who participate.

In due course standardized approaches to publishing outcome data for public consumption could be developed, providing more transparently when mental health consumers are making health care choices. In addition, outcome data could be a key component for accreditation standards developed from within the profession for psychology private practices.

The profession of psychology has a flourishing peer supervision culture, where fellow psychologists provide feedback and train each other. Benchmarking augmented with current supervision practices would be a powerful quality improvement practice and could be supported via funding for data-driven supervision training.

We also acknowledge the risk of unintended consequences if benchmarking is rolled out in the wrong way, such as gaming or resistance from service providers. If implemented in partnership with professional groups we think unintended consequences can be successfully minimized.



There is certainly a lot of momentum around outcome monitoring. Many practices are getting ahead of the game by integrating outcome measures into their practice already.  Some people will resist, some will be proactive. Either way, there are interesting times ahead!

Dr Ben Buchanan

NovoPsych Co-founder and Director




Chung, J., & Buchanan, B. (2018). A SelfReport Survey: Australian Clinicians Attitudes Towards Progress Monitoring Measures. Australian Psychologist, 54(1), 3-12

Delgadillo, J., de Jong, K., Lucock, M., Lutz, W., Rubel, J., Gilbody, S., … & O’Hayon, H. (2018). Feedback-informed treatment versus usual psychological treatment for depression and anxiety: a multisite, open-label, cluster randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(7), 564-572.

Assess patient’s mental health remotely via email

The majority of clinicians choose to administer psychometric questionnaires face-to-face in session via the NovoPsych iPad app, however more practices are getting digital and tele-health savvy and administering questionnaires remotely. I want to show you how NovoPsych makes this possible, with features allowing assessments to be sent to your patients via email.

Clients can answer questionnaires on their smartphone or computer at home before your next session, or even before you first meet them. 

With NovoPsych you can:

  • Send a secure email from NovoPsych to your client requesting they complete an assessment (DASS-21 etc.) 
  • Once the client completes the assessment you will be alerted, with results sent directly to you.
  • You can copy an assessment URL so you can send an assessment link to your client via your own messaging system (for example in a welcome email).
  • Have the option to setup automatic emails to be sent to your client on a weekly or monthly basis so you can track symptoms over time. 

How to send an assessment 

1. Login to the NovoPsych platform in your browser (note, these features are not available in the iPad app)
2. Press Email Assessment from the home screen

3. Select a client
4. Choose the assessments you would like to send
5. Press “Copy URL”. The link to the assessment will be ready for you to paste into an email or messaging service.

6. (Optional). If you’d like NovoPsych to send the assessment on your behalf (from the secure NovoPsych email address), you can press “Administer”, which will generate an email with the assessment. You can press “Customise Email” to amend the generic email message. 

With more and more mental health consultations happening remotely this feature helps you measure key outcomes for your patients in a fast and effective way. I hope you find it useful! 

Valuing Questionaire added to NovoPsych

In clinical practice we often get in the routine of administering the same assessments, just because we’re familiar with them. This post will help you get familiar with a new test; the Valuing Questionnaire, which I’ve just added to the NovoPsych library. 

Quick Summary

Used with: Adolescents and Adults
Measures: How consistently someone is living with their values.
Helpful for: Tracking progress in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Valuing Questionnaire (VQ)

The Valuing Questionnaire (VQ: Smout et al. 2014) is a 10-item self-report scale designed to measure how consistently an individual has been living with their self-determined values and is particularly helpful when administered during a course of ACT.

Values are personal principles someone has chosen to guide their behaviour. Articulation of self-defined values is a core component of ACT-like therapies, and this scale is best used in conjunction with and subsequent to this process in therapy.  The VQ measures “valuing”, which refers to actions one takes to live in accordance with values, rather than simply pleasant outcomes or satisfaction with life.

It measures two constructs:
1. Progress, defined as enactment of values, perseverance, and including clear awareness of what is personally important.

2. Obstruction, which reflects the disruption of valued living due to avoidance of unwanted experience, distraction from values by inattention to values or undue attention to distress.

Here are the 10 questions:

Scoring and Interpretation
Two subscale scores are presented, Progress and Obstruction, which typically have a negative correlation.
Progress (items, 3, 4, 5, 7,9. Range = 0 to 30).
Obstruction (items 1, 2, 6, 8, 10. Range = 0 to 30).

Scores indicative of psychological health are high scores on the Progress scale accompanied by low scores on the Obstruction scale.

As well as raw scores being presented, percentile ranks compared to an undergraduate university sample and a clinical sample are presented. A percentile of 50 on the clinical sample on each subscale represents a typical score for people presenting to outpatient psychology clinics.

When used as a monitoring tool during a course of ACT, successful treatment is indicated by increasing Progress Scores and decreasing Obstruction Scores.

Here is some sample results. The graph shows the scores changing over the course four sessions.

I hope you’ll spend some time getting to know this test, among others. More information on NovoPsych assessments can be found here.

Yours sincerely,
Dr Ben Buchanan
Smout, M., Davies, M., Burns, N., & Christie, A. (2014). Development of the valuing questionnaire (VQ). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3(3), 164-172.

Outcome measures – Good practice but should they be required?

Dear Colleagues,

I’ve noticed momentum building around Routine Outcome Monitoring. The APS and other groups are all supporting reforms to the Medicare system to include standardised outcome measures.

In order to help psychologists administer psychometric instruments I created the NovoPsych iPad app (NovoPsych.com) and we now have thousands of psychologists using it. It computes useful metrics, graphs results over time and has dozens of assessments (DASS-21, Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale, CORE-10 etc). If you’re not already involved, you can sign up for free via www.novopsych.com.

– For users of NovoPsych, I hope you might be able to use this thread to provide any feedback about how to make the tool more useful for you?

– For others, I wonder what you make of the recommendations as part of the Medicare review about mandatory Routine Outcome Monitoring? Do you agree that it is a good idea? Are you wary of it? I personally think it *could* be great, provided the requirements don’t add too much of an administrative burden, and streamlined software like NovoPsych can make the process easy. We also need to avoid a “big brother” approach.

All feedback is really useful.

Warm regards,

Dr Ben Buchanan

Productivity Commission Submission from NovoPsych

NovoPsych Productivity Commission Submission

Addressable challenges in the mental health sector

  1. The problem that funding models promote ‘activity-based’ services because the key data measured is activity, not outcomes.
  2. The highly successful Better Access initiative does not have routine outcome monitoring baked into its structure.
  3. The mental health sector has, to date, not had the same emphasis on use of technology to assist in diagnosis and recovery compared to other health fields.
  4. Collaboration between clinician and patient is key, and systems to help individuals understand and monitor their own health and self-management are currently lacking.


NovoPsych is a technology platform designed for mental health clinicians to improve the efficiency and accuracy of mental health assessments, measurement of outcomes, communication between clinicians, and help patients in self-management.

We currently have over 3000 clinicians using the platform, primarily psychologists in private practice, but also work with larger agencies integrating the system into their model of care. The popularity and wide acceptance of our software platform is attributed to the focus on understanding the needs of clinicians, and educating them about the instant and measurable benefits for patients of routine outcome monitoring.

Routine Outcome Monitoring 

Routine outcome monitoring is the regular evaluation of a patient’s treatment response during the course of treatment and provides health care professionals with information relevant to a patient’s progress. This monitoring can improve patient outcomes by enabling clinicians to detect and treat functional and psychological problems that previously may have been missed.

The monitoring is not only useful for clinician and patients themselves, but also provides an opportunity for treatment effectiveness to be evaluated at a systemic level.

Psychologists have specific training in this area on how to interpret outcome measures and understand how to evaluate such measures’ psychometric properties for appropriate use. This is a core skill of psychologists that is under-utilized in the current system.

While state based funded mental health services collect and report on outcome data through the Australian Mental Health Outcomes and Classification Network (AMHOCN) there is no such collection of outcome data being undertaken in MBS funded Better Access services. This was identified as a gap in the initial evaluation of the initiative and considering the significant level of investment in primary mental health care it remains a major gap in the collection of data to inform service planning and the effectiveness of funded services. While many clinicians regularly collect such data using NovoPsych as part of their clinical practice, outcomes measurement is not currently a requirement of the Medicare Benefits Schedule items.

Using Data Analytics to Improve Care

Advances in data analytics and computing power mean that large datasets are an important resource in the decision making process. The best datasets are generally those that are routinely collected by clinicians as a core part of practice– but contain enough detail for researchers and funders to use for valuable secondary analysis.

It is possible to use these datasets to understand trends, patterns and correlations at a large scale and investigate a range of questions much more rapidly and cost-effectively than using methods such as surveys and clinical trials alone. Not only this, datasets can be used to predict with a high degree of accuracy the progression of illness, and therefore what interventions/funding would be optimal.

The wealth of high quality longitudinal data collected by NovoPsych (over 200 million pieces of health information for over 150,000 patients) provides an opportunity to undertake an evaluation of programs and design systems to provide people the best care in a real-time, evidence-based way. Rather than funding models where “one size fits all”, this health data system could be used to provide objective triggers for staged care.

Reducing the strain on Australia’s mental healthcare system requires finding novel approaches to sustainable healthcare delivery. Key to this is investing in a mental healthcare environment that predicts, prevents and delays the onset of chronic and long-term dysfunction, eliminates low-value care and has the capacity to scrutinize and adjust funding in a timely way.

It is urgent that funding systems be person centric, have a degree of precision in the likely outcomes of treatment, and be able to measure the outcome of treatment reliably.

Yours Sincerely,

Dr Ben Buchanan

Co-Founder and Director


[email protected]

A Self‐Report Survey: Australian Clinicians’ Attitudes Towards Progress Monitoring Measures. Australian Psychologist.

Chun, J., Buchanan, B (2018) A Self‐Report Survey: Australian Clinicians’ Attitudes Towards Progress Monitoring Measures. Australian Psychologist. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ap.12352


Research supports an association between regularly administering standardised measures to assess client progress (progress monitoring) and improved treatment outcomes. However, some research suggests clinicians often rely heavily and solely on clinical judgement when making treatment decisions. This study was the first to explore psychologists’ implementation of progress monitoring, within an Australian clinical context.

A self‐report survey investigated Australian psychologists’ (N = 208; gender and age proportional to national representation) attitude, awareness, use, motives, and barriers towards implementing standardised assessment and progress monitoring. The survey comprised of the Attitudes towards Standardised Assessment Scales, and existing literature on progress monitoring implementation.

Ninety‐eight per cent of psychologists were aware of progress monitoring measures, and 69% reported using them in practice. Majority of progress monitoring users rated these measures as very useful (51%) and over one third (39%) used them with most of their clients. Contrary to the hypothesis, a t‐test demonstrated that attitude towards standardised assessment did not differ between progress monitoring users and non‐users. Among the clinicians who have not implemented progress monitoring, time barriers were rated as most important.

This study demonstrates that although awareness of progress monitoring may be widely known, perceived barriers may outweigh the potential benefits for some. It is also concluded that further qualitative research is needed to adequately understand these barriers and their importance. Future interventions may then promote evidence‐based recommendations and focus on the practicality, utility, and workflow difficulties associated with incorporating progress monitoring.

Clinician views of client self-monitoring

Article punished in InPsych Magazine, August 2018. 

The regular use of standardised self-assessment and progress monitoring forms has been associated with improved client treatment outcomes. Research suggests that clinical judgment alone may not be the most accurate and effective method of predicting deterioration in client wellbeing or progress. Progress monitoring forms can be administered at regular intervals during therapy and provide ongoing, individualised and immediate client feedback. Australian researchers surveyed psychologists (N=208) about their attitudes towards using such forms with clients. About half of the psychologists surveyed found such forms useful, and 69 per cent of psychologists were using them with clients. This is in contrast with similar past surveys and with research suggesting that only 12 to 33 per cent of North American psychologists regularly use structured tools with clients. The researchers suggested that in Australia there is increased awareness of their usefulness and emphasis placed on practical- and evidence-based recommendations by government and funding regimes.

It is also becoming easier to incorporate self-monitoring tools into practice, with online tools providing access to a variety of forms and in some cases quicker scoring and evaluation methods. Those Australian psychologists using self-monitoring forms believed strongly in their usefulness, particularly for tracking client progress and to determine if changes to treatment were needed.

Contrary to expectations, attitudes towards standardised assessment did not differ between psychologists who were regularly using progress monitoring forms and those who were not. Among those not using forms the main barriers to their use was believing they take too long to administer and score and would be too much of a burden on clients.

Psychologists were more likely to be using self-monitoring forms if they were primarily treating adults and working in private practice. This suggests a need to increase awareness of self-monitoring measures relevant for work with children. The researchers suggest more psychologists might use self-monitoring forms if their perceptions of their usefulness and practicality were enhanced and if they were given suggestions for workflow management.

Chun, J., Buchanan, B (2018) A Self‐Report Survey: Australian Clinicians’ Attitudes Towards Progress Monitoring Measures. Australian Psychologist. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ap.12352

Introducing WebApp

Introducing WebApp


Dear valued NovoPsych users,

I’m writing to let you know of an exciting update NovoPsych has released to make administering psychometric questionnaires easier.  Thousands of psychologists and mental health clinicians are using NovoPsych daily to track client symptoms, with assessments like the:

  • Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21 & DASS-42)
  • Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)
  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder Assessment (GAD-7)
  • Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS)
  • And many more (see here)

And you’ve always been able to administer these via NovoPsych on an iPad, but I wanted to make that possible even when your iPad isn’t available. Now you can, with the NovoPsych WebApp, available on any smart device! Because the WebApp uses your web browser, you can use it on your laptop, Android, phone, or whatever.

And best of all, if you already have a NovoPsych account there is no cost to start using the WebApp now!

Sign into WebApp with existing account now

With the WebApp, you can send the assessment from your laptop to your client’s phone in under a second, for them to complete in the waiting room, your office, or while they’re at home. Get the results back on your laptop as soon as they’re done. 


Learn more about the WebApp

Please take a moment to watch the three minute video below that I’ve put together. It will show you how NovoPsych reduces paperwork and has helped clinicians better track client outcomes. 


I hope you find it helpful. I’m constantly trying to create a better tool to make your practice more efficient, so feel free to get in touch, give feedback or request a feature.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Ben Buchanan
Co-founder & Director of NovoPsych Pty Ltd
BA (Hons), GradDipPsych, DPsych, MAPS
[email protected]

Start Exploring NovoPsych Now


For North American users

Upgrade your NovoPsych account to BetterMind

Dear North American NovoPsych users,

We write to inform you that the NovoPsych app is transitioning to an upgraded platform called BetterMind by BetterWorld Healthcare, Inc. As a user of NovoPsych in North America you will be able to upgrade to the new BetterMind app for free for the next seven days. Your user account and existing client data can easily be migrated to the upgraded platform.
We thank you for being a NovoPsych user and strongly encourage you to migrate to BetterMind, which will have the following benefits:

  • BetterMind is an enhanced version of NovoPsych, helping you administer a wide range of psychometric tests via your iPad
  • BetterMind has added three more scales, totaling 43 at this time, and as part of the free migration to BetterMind you will enjoy use of the additional scales as well.
  • BetterMind will continue to be expanded, enhanced and fully supported.
  • You can download BetterMind for FREE (if you don’t download within 7 days of receiving this email the normal price is $29.99)

Please be aware that NovoPsych will not be providing technical support to North American users or providing app updates. As an example, the recent iOS 11 update was done for BetterMind but not done for NovoPsych in North America.  This means that the NovoPsych App will not be supported in North America and the App may eventually stop working.  As a result, you are strongly encouraged to transfer your account to BetterMind.

Once again, we thank you for being a NovoPsych user.  We are confident you will continue to enjoy the same benefits and more using the new BetterMind App.

For any enquires please email us at [email protected]

The NovoPsych Team