Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)

The AUDIT is a 12 question self-report screening questionnaire designed to measure harmful alcohol use. This includes the 10 standard questions of the AUDIT and this version includes 2 optional questions at the end to determine self-identified problem drinking and self-perceived difficulty in stopping drinking. 


Saunders, J.B., Aasland, O.G., Babor, T.F., de la Fuente, J.R. and Grant, M. Development of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT): WHO collaborative project on early detection of persons with harmful alcohol consumption. II. Addiction, 88, 791-804,

Saunders, J.B., Aasland, O.G., Amundsen, A. and Grant, M. Alcohol consumption and related problems among primary health care patients: WHO Collaborative Project on Early Detection of Persons with Harmful Alcohol Consumption I. Addiction, 88, 349-362, 1993.


Miller, W.R., Zweben, A., DiClemente, C.C. and Rychtarik, R.G. Motivational enhancement therapy manual: A clinical research guide for therapists treating individuals with alcohol abuse and dependence. Project MATCH Monograph Series, Vol. 2. Rockville MD: NIAAA, 1992.

Bush, K., Kivlahan, D., Mcdonell, M., Pihn, S., Bradley, K., The AUDIT Alcohol Consumption Questions (AUDIT-C): An Effective Brief Screening Test for Problem Drinking, Arch Intern Med, 1998;158(16):1789-1795

Hays, R., Merz, J., Response burden, reliability, and validity of the Cage, Short MAST, and AUDIT alcohol screening measures, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 1995, 27 (2), 277-280.