ADHD Clinical Outcome Scale (ACOS) – Clinician Version

The ADHD Clinical Outcome Scale (ACOS) is a 15-item routine clinical outcome measure of ADHD and related mental health problems and functional difficulties (Adamis et al., 2024).


Adamis, D., Singh, J., Coada, I., Wrigley, M., Gavin, B., & McNicholas, F. (2024). Measuring clinical outcomes in adult ADHD clinics: Psychometrics of a new scale, the adult ADHD Clinical Outcome Scale. BJPsych Open, 10(6), e180.


Adamis, D., Singh, J., Coada, I., Wrigley, M., Gavin, B., & McNicholas, F. (2024). Measuring clinical outcomes in adult ADHD clinics: Psychometrics of a new scale, the adult ADHD Clinical Outcome Scale. BJPsych Open, 10(6), e180.

Baker, S., Smyth, C., Bartholomew, E., Buchanan, B., & Hegarty, D. (2024). A Review of the Clinical Utility and Psychometric Characteristics of the ADHD Clinical Outcome Scale (ACOS) – Clinician Version: Percentile Rankings and Qualitative Descriptors.