Who can use NovoPsych for diagnosis?

NovoPsych Pty Ltd. grants users use of this service in a bona fide mental health care setting. The user of this service should have suitable qualifications. This could include, but is not limited to the following professions as registered by appropriate governing bodies:

  • Psychology, such as registered psychologists, clinical psychologists and provisional psychologists 
  • Psychiatry, such as psychiatrists
  • Medicine, such as general practitioners and paediatricians
  • Social work
  • Counselling
  • Occupational therapy
  • Psychiatric nursing 

Individuals who are currently enrolled in postgraduate study in one of these fields; or those who are under supervision of a psychologist, are also suitable users. 

Use of Assessments

The provided psychometric assessments can never be used as a sole means of mental health diagnosis. Our service consists of software that is a delivery tool for psychometric tests. Our service should be considered as a delivery tool and scoring calculator.  The psychometric material that we employ is interpreted and audited by our internal team, however we encourage users to independently investigate the psychometric merits of each assessment.  

Each assessment provides a reference list so that users can independently investigate the psychometric properties of the scale and determine if they are of utility in their particular context.  Assessments are not suitable in all contexts or with all individuals.  


Psychometric assessments do not diagnose. Suitably qualified mental health professionals such as psychologists and psychiatrists, who use psychometric assessments, diagnose. 

Results of psychometric assessments must always be interpreted in the appropriate clinical context by a suitably qualified individual. Results can never be used as a sole means of diagnosis. Use of assessments for self-diagnosis is not permitted. 

Generally, raw scores or outputs from psychometric tools are not self-explanatory. The interpretation of these scores typically requires expertise. Therefore, a qualified expert (e.g., a psychologist) is needed to interpret the results and provide guidance on their significance. Without such an expert, results might be considered ambiguous and lacking in context.

Why do psychometric scales require interpretation by suitably qualified professionals?

  • Complexity of Human Behaviour and Cognition: Human thoughts, behaviours, and emotions are complex, and psychometric scales often capture nuances that may not be immediately evident. Qualified professionals have the necessary training to understand these nuances and the broader contexts in which they might be relevant.
  • Understanding of Validity and Reliability: Psychometric instruments come with limitations regarding their validity (how well the test measures what it’s supposed to measure) and reliability (how consistent the test is). A trained professional can evaluate and communicate these limitations, ensuring that results are not misinterpreted.
  • Ethical Considerations. Using psychometric scales responsibly is an ethical imperative. Incorrect interpretation can lead to harm, such as stigmatisation, misallocation of resources, or inappropriate interventions. Professionals are trained to navigate these ethical considerations.
  • Integration with Other Data: In many situations, psychometric data needs to be integrated with other types of data, such as clinical interviews, observational data, or medical histories. Professionals are trained to synthesize various data sources into a comprehensive understanding of an individual.
  • Feedback and Recommendations: Interpreting the scale is often only part of the process. Professionals also provide feedback, which can include recommendations for interventions, accommodations, or further evaluations. Their expertise ensures that this feedback is both accurate and constructive.