Maladaptive Schema Scale – Young Schema Aligned (MSS-YSQ)

The Maladaptive Schema Scale – Young Schema Aligned (MSS-YSQ) assesses maladaptive patterns of thoughts, behaviours and emotions. The MSS-YSQ is aligned with the the schemas defined in the Young Schema Questionnaire (YSQ) in 1990, but is shorter (76 questions) and uses contemporary psychometric techniques. 

The MSS-YSQ consists of 19 schemas drawn from the full Maladaptive Schema Scale that are theoretically aligned with schemas defined by Jeffery Young (1990). The scale is designed to assess problematic schemas in clinical populations and inform case conceptualisations for adults experiencing a range of mental health problems, particularly those with complex issues such as personality pathology, interpersonal difficulties, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or a history of abuse.

NovoPsych has developed and released the MSS-YSQ to facilitate ease of use for clinicians already familiar with interpreting the YSQ and integrating the results into their schema therapy practice. The MSS-YSQ in significantly shorter than the original YSQ while retaining scale reliability.  The full MSS, which integrates additional schemas grounded in contemporary research, can be found here.

The MSS-YSQ is open source, meaning it can be copied and used clinically or in research without explicit permission, overcoming a limiting factor of the YSQ and derivatives.

Though the MSS-YSQ is a transdiagnostic tool, maladaptive schemas have been shown to have important associations with many mental health diagnoses, including PTSD, borderline personality disorder, dissociative disorders, depression and anxiety (Bär et al., 2023). 

In clinical settings, the MSS-YSQ is used to identify which schemas are contributing to a person’s emotional or interpersonal difficulties. Understanding one’s schemas is instrumental in schema therapy, where the therapeutic focus involves helping clients to:

  • Recognise their schemas, schema triggers, patterns of responding and the impact on their functioning.
  • Understand the developmental origins of these schemas in their childhood experiences and how they are perpetuated in the present.
  • Modify their maladaptive schemas via cognitive techniques, behavioural pattern breaking, experiential strategies and the therapeutic relationship.
  • Develop healthier alternatives to the maladaptive coping styles and patterns associated with their schemas, thereby getting their needs met in more adaptive ways.


Buchanan, B., Bartholomew, E., Smyth, C., & Hegarty, D. (2024). The Maladaptive Schema Scale – Young Schema Aligned. 

Buchanan, B., Bartholomew, E., Smyth, C., & Hegarty, D. (2024). A comprehensive questionnaire for schemas related to psychopathology: The Maladaptive Schema Scale – Version 1.4 (MSSv1.4). 


Bär, A., Bär, H. E., Rijkeboer, M. M., & Lobbestael, J. (2023). Early Maladaptive Schemas and Schema Modes in clinical disorders: A systematic review. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 96(3), 716-747.

Kiraz, S., & Sertçelik, S. (2021). Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and early maladaptive schemas. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 28(5), 1055-1064.

Thiessen, C. N. (2019). ADHD Symptoms, Maladaptive Schemas, and Dysfunctional Automatic Thoughts: Exploring Theorized Relationships in Emerging Adults (Master’s thesis, Ohio University).

Yalcin, O., Marais, I., Lee, C., & Correia, H. (2022). Revisions to the Young Schema Questionnaire using Rasch analysis: The YSQ-R. Australian Psychologist, 57(1), 8-20. 

Young, J. E. (Ed.). (1990). Cognitive therapy for personality disorders: A schema–focused approach. Professional Resource Press.

Young, J. E., Klosko, J. S., & Weishaar, M. E. (2003). Schema therapy: A practitioner’s guide. Guilford Press.

Young, J.E. (2014). List of Early Maladaptive Schemas (2nd ed.). Retrieved from