Maladaptive Schema Scale (MSS)

The Maladaptive Schema Scale (MSSv1.3) is a 125-item screening tool that helps clinicians comprehensively assess maladaptive patterns of thoughts, behaviours and emotions. 


Buchanan, B., Bartholomew, E., Smyth, C., & Hegarty, D. (2024). A comprehensive questionnaire for schemas related to psychopathology: The Maladaptive Schema Scale – Version 1.3 (MSSv1.3)


Arntz, A., Rijkeboer, M., Chan, E., Fassbinder, E., Karaosmanoglu, A., Lee, C. W., & Panzeri, M. (2021). Towards a reformulated theory underlying schema therapy: Position paper of an international workgroup. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1-14.

Bär, A., Bär, H. E., Rijkeboer, M. M., & Lobbestael, J. (2023). Early Maladaptive Schemas and Schema Modes in clinical disorders: A systematic review. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 96(3), 716-747.

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Dweck, C. S. (2017). From needs to goals and representations: Foundations for a unified theory of motivation, personality and development. Psychological Review, 124, 689-719.   

Janoff‐Bulman, R. (1989). Assumptive worlds and the stress of traumatic events: Applications of the schema construct. Social Cognition, 7, 113-136.

Mussel, P. (2023, May 15). Core beliefs about the self: A structural model based on a systematic review and natural language processing.

Schwarzer, R., & Jerusalem, M. (1995). Generalized Self-Efficacy scale. In J. Weinman, S. Wright, & M. Johnston (Eds.), Measures in health psychology: A user’s portfolio. Causal and control beliefs (pp. 35-37). NFER-Nelson.

Young, J. E. (Ed.). (1990). Cognitive therapy for personality disorders: A schema–focused approach. Professional Resource Press.

Young, J. E., Klosko, J. S., & Weishaar, M. E. (2003). Schema therapy: A practitioner’s guide. Guilford Press.

Young, J.E. (2014). List of Early Maladaptive Schemas (2nd ed.). Retrieved from