Counselling Self Estimate Inventory (COSE)

The Counselling Self Estimate Inventory (COSE) is a 37-item self-report questionnaire designed to measure a clinician’s self-efficacy. It is appropriate for use with psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, trainees in these disciplines, and other mental health clinicians engaged in therapy with clients.


Larson, L. M., & Suzuki, L. A. (1992). Development and Validation of the Counseling Self-Estimate Inventory. Journal of Counseling Psychology; Washington, 39(1), 105–105.


Barnes, K. L. (2004). Applying self-efficacy theory to counselor training and supervision: A comparison of two approaches. Counselor Education and Supervision, 44, 56–69.

Daniels, J. A., & Larson, L. M. (2001). The impact of performance feedback on counseling self-efficacy and counselor anxiety. Counselor Education and Supervision, 41, 120–130.

Easton, C., Martin, W. E., & Wilson, S. (2008). Counselor prepa-ration. Emotional intelligence and implications for counseling self-efficacy: Phase II. Counselor Education and Supervision, 47, 218–232.

Larson, L. M., & Daniels, J. A. (1998). Review of the counseling self-efficacy literature. The Counseling Psychologist, 26, 179–218.

Li, C., Lu, J., Bernstein, B., & Bang, N. M. (2018). Counseling Self-Efficacy of International Counseling Students in the U.S.: the Impact of Foreign Language Anxiety and Acculturation. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling; The Hague, 40(3), 267–278.

Meyer, J. M. (2015). counselling Self-Efficacy: On-Campus and Distance Education Students. Rehabilitation counselling Bulletin, 58(3), 165–172.