The Professional Quality of Life Scale – 5 (ProQOL)

The Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL) is a 30 item self-report questionnaire designed to measure compassion fatigue, work satisfaction and burnout in helping professionals. Helping professionals are defined broadly, from those in health care settings, such as psychologists, nurses and doctors, to social service workers, teachers, police officers, firefighters or other first responders. It is useful for workers who perform emotional labour as well as professionals who are exposed to traumatic situations.


B. Hudnall Stamm, 2009-2012. Professional Quality of Life: Compassion Satisfaction and Fatigue Version 5 (ProQOL).


Stamm, B.H. (2010). The Concise ProQOL Manual, 2nd Ed. Pocatello, ID:

Hegarty, D. & Buchanan, B. ( 2021, November 29). Psychologist Norms for the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL).